[[http://www.twb-ing.de|{{wiki:germany.png}}]] [[http://www.twb-ing.de/en|{{wiki:uk.png}}]] [[http://www.twb-ing.de|{{ wiki:rand.png?700&nolink }}]] \\ [[https://www.land-der-ideen.de/ausgezeichnete-orte/preistraeger/software-f-r-ma-geschneiderte-str-mungssimulationen|{{ wiki:ldi_banner.gif }}]] ====== Successful CFD-Workshop 2015 ====== June 22nd 2015. The 1st CFD-Workshop with title **CFD simulation for industrial applications** at [[http://www.itz-fulda.de|ITZ-Fulda]] took place. \\ The workshop team at TWB thanks all the attendees for the massive interest and the fruitful discussions with experts from all over Germany and Europe. \\ \\ {{wiki:workshop2015.jpg?700&nolink|Attendees of the 1st CFD-Workshop in Fulda}} \\ \\ === Contact: ===